Monday, November 17, 2008

twirly whirly!!!

sometimes,i like spinning around.the dizziness enchants me...flashing lights that grip me...twirling around...tickling me...i wish i cud b on a carosel....round and round,round and round.gripping me into an unknown world of mine,a world which i never knew existed...if only i could twirl around like i did as a child...
the mulicolored daze facinates me...its strange how clear my life seems in the uncertainity and unclarity during the spinning...maybe thats why some sufi singers twirl alot while the sing to god...for me..its 1 of those kicks i dont need wit alcohol...for me ..its like another tumbling down a mountain.. (love doin that!)
besides...its a pretty good thing to do to reduce ur bordom... :P :P try it..and leme know how u feel and what u saw....


peter said...

wo wo ..i will try it alryt it must be amazing...but did u delete my comment on your earlier post or m i mistaken that i left a comment ??

simran4u said...

hey peter...umm..i dint get any comment on the previous :) though thanks for ur appreciation :) :)

peter said...

hmm i guess i must have missed posting it but yeah i did type it LOL ..anyways i have posted it again now this time i am pretty much sure as i can see it ryt there :D