Monday, March 18, 2013

Phantom Heart

this phantom heart of mine,
for him, it silently pines,
waiting for the space to heal
like an amputated limb, why do i still feel?

i try to remember his face,lost in my memory
lost is the details, no more clarity
i try to remember his smell
wondering if thats the place my emotions dwell

ive got to be selfless for him
to not love him based on a whim
ive got to be selfish for me
maybe its my only way to be free.

maybe he was just a dream
no reality connected to my thoughts stream
there is an emptiness in my chest
where the hopes of us used to nest

no memory left, his existance beginning to disappear
one day we will be strangers, i fear
then why is there a crushing feeling in my heart?
which died when he left, when we fell apart.

this phantom heart of mine,
for him, it silently pines,
waiting for the space to heal
like an amputated limb, why do i still feel?