Monday, November 24, 2008

zongs from z heart...

if my heart had a wud b a sad love song,
a song about broken friendship..a song about love not found...a song of love lost...
a song about betreyal and solitude....
if my heart could sum up a strong wud tell a story about loss and pain...
if only my heart was made of stone...2 endure all hardship and heartless glares....
if only i dint have this weak heart of mine....beating feebly...our sad little love song....

Monday, November 17, 2008

twirly whirly!!!

sometimes,i like spinning around.the dizziness enchants me...flashing lights that grip me...twirling around...tickling me...i wish i cud b on a carosel....round and round,round and round.gripping me into an unknown world of mine,a world which i never knew existed...if only i could twirl around like i did as a child...
the mulicolored daze facinates me...its strange how clear my life seems in the uncertainity and unclarity during the spinning...maybe thats why some sufi singers twirl alot while the sing to god...for me..its 1 of those kicks i dont need wit alcohol...for me ..its like another tumbling down a mountain.. (love doin that!)
besides...its a pretty good thing to do to reduce ur bordom... :P :P try it..and leme know how u feel and what u saw....

Sunday, November 16, 2008

MISS understood

lol...quite contrary to my usual day dreaming in class...this time..i wrote a small piece of my mind... here goes...(its better than snoozing off in me :P :P )
i rather be misunderstood than to b completely understood...atleast people wont hurt me with the treacherous truth...coz a lie against me wont hurt as much...if only i was misunderstood...that wud b my visage to tis cruel sanctuary.....