Monday, November 24, 2008

zongs from z heart...

if my heart had a wud b a sad love song,
a song about broken friendship..a song about love not found...a song of love lost...
a song about betreyal and solitude....
if my heart could sum up a strong wud tell a story about loss and pain...
if only my heart was made of stone...2 endure all hardship and heartless glares....
if only i dint have this weak heart of mine....beating feebly...our sad little love song....


juxtaposed2.0 said...

i dint know u posted on blogger...
neat...too short for me though...
good shit

simran4u said...

thanks :)
i get these random thots which i randomly type down on my phone..these are just some of those.. :) thanks for the post and keep reading!! :) :)

c.H.a.O.s FrEaK said...

Umm....voila! Another fellow dreamer. I belong to this world afterall.

Nice post. out.