Tuesday, January 27, 2009

deep down

there was a girl...walking in the darkness...searching for light...all she saw was the reflection of the sun through the moon...through the forest leaves....through the puddle mud...
not realizing where her daze led her to,she fell into a ground well....those kinda wells arent surrounded by walls...they r nasty....they r creepy...they hold such a darkness...that even sent chills down the local villagers...no1 went to that well...not even the most learned and educated...
and yes...she fell into that blessed well..not knowing the consequences of her faulty action...
at first...she was unconscious....and then...she awoke...the the blinding darkness she alwayz wanted to avoid..like that was her only mission in life...and now..she was stuck there.....

she cried for help...yelled a bit...cursed a bit too...
"god damn!!! why doesnt any 1 come to help me????"

and then...it was dawn..and by some crazy miracle...3 tribal women came and look down...and in shock ...they saw the girl....she begged them to let her up...and for a moment...once the left for a while..she thought she was saved....and then...to her shock...they placed a stone lid onto the well...
surrounding her...was nly the darkness she tried to push away for all her life....

god knows for how many days..she was in that well...the water she drank was the same water she gave out....she felt sick from inside out...
she felt lost..lonely...and confused....
"if only...there was some1 to get me out of this darkness"
those were the last words she said before she died.....
if only...there was som1 to get me out of this darkness.......


peter said...

Ok i get the feel that it somethng to do wid u also ...and kill me if it's just ur imagination and if i am sounding silly :(

nice but sad story :D

simran4u said...

lol..nice to c you read between the lines and found my metaphors :) :) ...